How Does a Pet Feel After You Organize Your Home?

By decluttering and organizing your home, your pet will feel more relaxed.

Why? Listed below are five reasons why a pet experiences the joy of an organized home just as much as you do.

They have more room to run and play.

With your home decluttered, your pet will enjoy wide open spaces to run and play with their toys. You will be amazed at how much more energetic they become. Watch how much fun your pet has and see how their energy increases in a decluttered home. You will also have more time to play and snuggle with your pet after your house is organized. You may even be able to make them their own special area once you have cleared your own clutter. One of our clients has recently made a special section of her home for her dog and he seems happier than he ever has.

They will have a safer and healthier home.

When you declutter your home, you create a healthier environment for your pets. The more frequently you clean (which is easier in an organized home) the better the air quality will be. That is because there will be less dust and dander that your pets breathe in while playing and running around.

More importantly, like people, their mental health will improve in an organized home. Your pet will be less stressed, anxious, and depressed by not being surrounded by your clutter. Also, by decluttering your home, your pets will be safer. There will be fewer piles of clutter that can fall on them, less to trip on, and they will be less likely to get into things like the trash or other things they should not be eating. This will make both of your lives happier.

They’ll get into less trouble.

Like people, pets don’t want to get in trouble. They would prefer to play, be snuggled, and feel loved. When your home is decluttered and organized, your pets are less likely to get into trouble. Your things will be put away, so they will have fewer things to chew on. Your shoes, socks and other personal items will be out of sight and there will be no temptation to gnaw on them. There will also be fewer piles of clutter and more room to play, so your pet will be less likely to knock things over as well.

You’ll be a happier pet owner. 

Pets and people experience many mental and physical health issues when living in a cluttered home. Pets experience more stress, anxiety, and depression in a cluttered environment. So, the more you keep your home decluttered, the healthier they will be. In turn, you as a pet owner will be happier in that environment. This will translate to more happiness for your pet. Clutter causes frustration, which may make you more irritable and less patient with your pet. The happier you are as a human, the happier your pet will be.

You’ll have more down time and time to enjoy playing.

Imagine what your life would look like if your home were completely decluttered and organized. You would feel more relaxed, inspired, and have much more time. Gone will be the days, weekends, and evenings of trying to sort through endless piles of clutter and trying to keep up with a messy home. In an organized home, you have more free time, focus, and most importantly to your pet, more time to play with them. In a decluttered and organized home, you will find you have so much more time to do the things you want, including spending time enjoying and playing with your pet.

Organize today! 

Start decluttering and organizing your home today. By doing this, you can create a healthier and inspiring space for you and your pets to enjoy. Understand that decluttering and organizing can take time, effort, and work, but the outcomes and benefits to your pets and you are worth it.

Remember these five ways decluttering your home makes your pet happier and healthier. Use the love of your furry friend as your motivation to keep making progress. Declutter and organize your home for the health and happiness of you and your beloved animals.


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