The Uncluttered Life

W: Home Organization

First-time All Star The Uncluttered Life® is a professional in-home (as well as online subscription-based) organizing company that takes the endeavor to new heights. The Uncluttered Life® co founders, Cathy and Danica Orr, are a mother-daughter organizing duo who were on the de-clutter bandwagon long before “Spark Joy” was a household phrase. Cathy is one of only 50 people worldwide to hold a Master Level Certification in Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method® of organization. When Danica is asked how long she has been organizing, she jokingly replies, “My entire life! When your mom is one of the most organized people on the planet, your training begins at birth.”Their philosophy focuses on the notion that your home should reflect who you are now, rather than who you used to be, or hope to be someday. People are so much happier when their space functions well, and that’s what they strive to provide for their clients.

organized pantry

KonMari Master Cathy Orr


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