Toss Box - How to Declutter Your Closet In No Time
Home Organizing, Downsizing Declutter Deck Home Organizing, Downsizing Declutter Deck

Toss Box - How to Declutter Your Closet In No Time

Each time you touch an article of clothing, and the clothing doesn’t look right, you know you’ll never wear it again. The same is true if it’s too big or small, or it has a stain that bugs you. Put these in the “toss box.” Then, when you are ready to make the pilgrimage to the donation store, or a collection box, you’ll have things to donate.

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Gifts and Guilt - Let It Go!
Mental Health, Downsizing Declutter Deck Mental Health, Downsizing Declutter Deck

Gifts and Guilt - Let It Go!

There are always questions that go with deciding whether or not to return a gift. Will I hurt someone’s feelings? Will they notice that I don’t own the gift anymore? Should I regift it? (I’ve seen horror stories around this one!) Should I try to take it back? What happens if the return shows up on the giver’s credit card statement? Nightmare.

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Declutter Deck® - A Quick and Easy Way to Get Organized
Organization Hacks, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck Organization Hacks, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck

Declutter Deck® - A Quick and Easy Way to Get Organized

Declutter Deck® is an organizing miracle for those who just can’t get started or don’t know how to take the first step toward organizing their life and surroundings. It is completely DIY, self-paced, fun, engaging, inexpensive, and a quick way to make decluttering part of your daily routine. Pick up a deck today! Only $19.95/Declutter Deck®.

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Our Hybrid Re: Method®- Marie Kondo Meets The Uncluttered Life®

Our Hybrid Re: Method®- Marie Kondo Meets The Uncluttered Life®

At The Uncluttered Life, we worked with efficiency engineers to design the Re:Method. The Re:Method is based on engineering principles of lean manufacturing. This, in a nutshell, saves you money and waste. We help you organize and declutter, create a home where you actually know what you own, and why you own it.

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Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?
Dupes, Storage Ideas, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck Dupes, Storage Ideas, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck

Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?

In the debate between which is better for organizing, boxes or baskets, boxes win hands-down. Every time! “Why?,” you ask. There’s one simple reason: it’s hard to put two baskets together without creating an awkward space in between. And, when you have a lot of things to store, you need that extra storage area so all space is used.

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The KonMari Method® - Abbreviated
KonMari Method®, Downsizing Declutter Deck KonMari Method®, Downsizing Declutter Deck

The KonMari Method® - Abbreviated

The KonMari Method® (by Marie Kondo) is a very cool process. It actually works. I’ve been trained in the method, and have achieved the Master Organizer distinction. It’s 1500 hours of work, lots of clients, and multiple reporting sessions. I find that each organizing opportunity gives me insight into the way people think about clutter.

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Save vs. Spend - When Is It Time to Call In Professional Organizers?
Dupes, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck Dupes, Decorganize™ Declutter Deck

Save vs. Spend - When Is It Time to Call In Professional Organizers?

Most people don’t have time, plain and simple. They work, raise kids, cook dinner, feed pets, and everything in between. Where do tasks of cleaning out a closet, kitchen, drawers, laundry room, etc. fit into that schedule? It’s hard to find time. We have developed Declutter Deck® to break organizing into simple bite-sized chunks of time.

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Dorm Room Organization
Storage Ideas, Dupes Declutter Deck Storage Ideas, Dupes Declutter Deck

Dorm Room Organization

Creative decorating and organization for a college dorm room are a real thing. As I’ve watched my friend pack a headboard, hutch, sheets, pillows, European pillows, decorative pillows, mattress pads, towels, and toiletries (just to start), I’m thinking to myself that I didn’t get this much stuff when I got married. Times have really changed.

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Feng Shui
Downsizing, Home Organizing Declutter Deck Downsizing, Home Organizing Declutter Deck

Feng Shui

When we have too many things occupying one space, or things that aren’t being utilized, this creates a blockage of energy flow. Feng Shui practitioners refer to this as clutter. A simple technique in this tradition is referred to as clutter clearing. Clutter clearing is a way to look at how to let go of things to clear energy and clutter.

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Organizing Hacks 101
Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Organizing Hacks 101

Everyone loves a good organizing hack. It’s what saves you all the buying, returning, rebuying and trying to figure out exactly how to handle the annoying space that isn’t just quite right, no matter what you do to organize it. Organizing hacks are tricks that we’ve learned from working in so many homes that are all different. Try some!

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How Do I Organize and Declutter By Myself?
KonMari Method®, Mental Health Declutter Deck KonMari Method®, Mental Health Declutter Deck

How Do I Organize and Declutter By Myself?

Here is the first question to ask yourself when deciding to tackle decluttering and organizing by yourself: what does my ideal life look like? This is the first question the KonMari Method® asks, too. If we imagine our ideal lifestyle, we are able to take steps to organize our homes in ways that reflect how we truly want to live our lives.

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Loss, Clutter and Letting Go
Downsizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Downsizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Loss, Clutter and Letting Go

It’s important that we look below the surface, to help see the meaning of a situation and also its silver lining. Working with a client who had recently lost her best friend showed us that even in very small things, like a sweater, there can be a lot of emotion. When remembering a loved one, keep a sentimental item or two that has true meaning.

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The Uncluttered Life® and Our Organizing Philosophy
Home Organizing, KonMari Method® Declutter Deck Home Organizing, KonMari Method® Declutter Deck

The Uncluttered Life® and Our Organizing Philosophy

Many of us hold on to images and concepts of ourselves that no longer apply. We also hold on to clutter that reinforces that image. Holding on to things that no longer serve us keeps us “stuck” in certain emotional and physical places and patterns. It’s often tough to get out from under these patterns. We offer suggestions that help.

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