The Benefits of Decluttering Toys – Part 1
Simplifying the toys in your home will reduce clutter, stress, and improve the quality of your child’s play. This is Part 1 of 2 in an explanation of the meaning of toys, their importance, and the best way to declutter them. Kids can be fickle with toys. One moment they love them, the next they stay in the corner.
How Should I Declutter My Pet’s Belongings?
Pets are a gift to us. They comfort us when we are down, bring us tremendous joy, and yet, sometimes make a mess. This blog discusses the importance of keeping a tidy space for our furry friends. Pets are sensitive to their surroundings like people. Here are a few good ideas for you to try.
What is Time Blocking?
When I was in high school, I had a friend who made a homework schedule on Sundays. No matter how much work she had, she always got everything done. I was amazed by that system and adopted it as a life skill. Her time management or “time blocking” skill is one I use to this day.
Repair Broken Items
Little home repairs can make a huge difference in the flow of your home. For example, a door that sticks all the time can drive you crazy after awhile. So, too, can a broken chair that rocks every time you sit down on it. Once repaired, that little annoyance is gone. Make home repairs quickly and easily with some of our tips!
What Is the Best Decluttering Method?
Decluttering is a very rewarding experience. Purchasing less and experiencing more have shown to have health benefits and make us feel emotionally fulfilled. Purchasing less also impacts the environment as we move away from consumerism. There are many methods for decluttering. Let’s look at a few of them.
How to Donate
In my home, if an item does not serve a purpose or serve me for a personal reason, I let it go. I feel that when I let go of things, it clears my energy and reduces distractions and visual clutter. Donating to others also changes their lives in positive ways. For example, if I have too much of one thing, I can get by with less and donate excess.
A Revelation About Downsizing
Downsizing can occur at multiple stages in life. For example, it can occur when children go off to college. It can also occur with the death of a spouse or after a divorce. To some, downsizing has a negative connotation. To others, it’s a source of liberation. Look at our personal story to see if it resonates with you.
2024 New Year’s Resolution: An Uncluttered Home
The list of recycled New Year’s resolutions goes on and on. From being able to fit back into your skinny jeans, to eating better, exercising more and everything else in between, these resolutions are typically a passing commitment. Think about the New Year’s resolution of getting your life in order. It’s a great way to start the year.
Clutter and Decluttering
The definition of decluttering is the process of deciding whether the things in your environment are clutter, and if not, where they belong in your home. And, in addition, acting on that decision once you have made it. The process of decluttering will help you make permanent, beneficial changes in your life. Here are a few suggestions.
How Do I Start Decluttering?
People often ask, how do I start decluttering? There is, of course, no magic formula. What I typically tell people is that you need to assess your individual situation and come up with a plan. No two people are alike, and no two decluttering plans are alike. There are, though, several common ways to get going, and we will discuss them here.
Laundry Organization
A system for laundry creates organization. It keeps from having stacks and stacks of laundry that either never get put away or take up space in your home. The use of baskets, boxes, or some other organization methods makes laundry time easier. Read through this blog to get some tips and tricks to renovate laundry duty.
Decision Fatigue and Decluttering
At the risk of oversimplifying, a key player in decision-making is your prefrontal cortex (the area of your brain just behind your forehead). This area of the brain determines how quickly or slowly you become overwhelmed. Known as the “amygdala hijack,” there is a lot to learn about decluttering and avoiding that overwhelming feeling.
What Should I Remove First When Decluttering?
Clothing is worn close to our bodies and, therefore, close to our hearts. By decluttering clothing first, we get in touch with our heart center. Digging deeper, it is most important to start decluttering with the clothing worn on the upper body. This is where we get in touch with ourselves. Based on the KonMari Method® by Marie Kondo.
Sleep and Mental Health in College Students
The fact that sleep health is so strongly related to mental health is important since the majority of college students don’t get the recommended amount of sleep needed for optimal health and functioning,” says Michael Grander, Ph.D., of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the University of Arizona.
The World of Dormify
Dormify is the ultimate one-stop shop for college dorm rooms. What’s best about Dormify and college products, in general, is that everything is coordinated. The colors all go together, the sizes are just right, and someone has actually done the organization homework for you. It’s a win for everyone.
How To Sleep When You Go to College
Balancing the demands on your time, a full course load, extracurricular activities, socializing and making new friends, can be challenging. And, it is not as though your work and family commitments disappear entirely, either, when you go away to school. It can feel that there aren’t enough hours in the day.
Back to School
Back to school is a time of excitement, but it’s also a time to recognize that there are ways to reduce the chaos that comes with starting a new school year. In this blog,,we offer solutions to some of the biggest “pain points” of the school year. Learn great tips and tricks for getting your school year off to a great start.
Declutter Deck®
Our Declutter Deck® is a great way to declutter your home in bite-sized pieces that can seamlessly fit into your daily routine. Get your home organized with the help of 52 prompt cards. Each card provides a prompt that digs into the spaces in your home that need organizing attention. Helps keep you on track. Just pull a card to start!
What is the 20/20 Rule for Decluttering?
The 20/20 rule for decluttering is different from the 80/20 rule for decluttering. The 20/20 rule states that when struggling to decide whether to let go of an item, you should consider letting it go if you can replace it for less than $20.00, and you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.
How Do I Bring the Outdoors Into My House?
Research demonstrates the importance of spending time outside in nature. Just thirty minutes a day, research suggests, can help improve sleep quality, boost the immune system, and reduce anxiety and stress. Many believe that this is essential to a person’s well-being, however, we may forget to bring this natural element inside.